Why are slow lorises not suitable pets?

If you find a video or photo of a slow loris as a pet on the Internet, please note that although it looks cute, the animal in the video is suffering, as is the entire species.
All you need to know about: the slow loris and why it’s endangered

Videos made popular on sites like Youtube.com have created a huge wave of people wanting to own a pet Slow Loris. Little do they know about the exotic animal black market and the danger of having a Slow Loris at home.
Learn more about the Slow Loris

Slow loris (Subfamily Lorisinae), any of about 10 tailless or short-tailed primates found in the forests of South and Southeast Asia. Lorises are arboreal and nocturnal. They snuggle and sleep during the day.
The problem

Thousands of slow loris are poached in the wild and sold illegally on the street or in animal markets. Usually, entire wild slow loris families are captured for pet trade.
Fun Facts About Slow Loris

The slow loris is one of the rarest primates. Its close relatives are African bush babies.
Slow loris may be slow, but they can travel about 5 miles overnight. For such a slow mammal, this is a long distance!
Slow Lorises are not suitable pets

Slow loris are nocturnal animals. Therefore, being in a well-lit room is incredibly uncomfortable and can cause aches and pains.
Why is the Slow Loris an endangered species

If you find a video or photo of a slow loris as a pet on the Internet, please note that although it looks cute, the animal in the video is suffering, as is the entire species.